Tuesday 23 August 2011

And still here, just about

I intend to put up another review this week. It's probably fairly obvious that my enthusiasm isn't quite what it was, since (with one or two honourable exceptions: big thanks to them) nobody seems to be interested in what I'm writing. I'll plod on, but the old three-times-a-week update frequency seems a bit of a waste of time now. :/


  1. I really did have high hopes for this page. I know the GP2X is a bit obscure, but you'd think people who *are* fans would have been able to home in on it. After all, you've covered quite a range of different things on here, so you'd think they've have found something on here to comment on, or that they'd just have followed the page.

    Of course this is precisely why I haven't bothered doing those "synth review" kind of things on LJ. There seems so little point.

  2. You would have got much more reaction about 5 years ago, when the GP2X was new but the wiz, pandora and caanoo have stolen the limelight since then.

  3. @eliki: Yeah, I know. I didn't expect miracles by any means, but *something* would have been nice. Ah well, I'll see how long I can keep going.

  4. @ParkyDR: true, of course. But I never expected, or even hoped for, *that* level of interest. If you look at eBay, though, GP2X units are still consistently selling for £40-50; there's clearly still *some* sort of demand. BBC Micros are a lot cheaper than that, and yet I've had better responses to Beeb-related things I've written. I suppose the 2X's relatively small userbase is the killer.
